Researcher in Health Communication 

I graduated in Communication Theories at the University of Florence, Italy. I received a European Doctorate in Psychological and Psychiatric Sciences from the University of Verona (Italy) and the INSERM, UMR_S 1136, Institut Pierre Louis d’Epidémiologie et de Santé Publique, Paris (France). The title of my Ph.D. thesis is “Mental Health in Europe: the need for a common language, standard classification criteria and official communication”. During my Ph.D. I worked on the access to mental health services and their geographical distribution in 9 European countries for the REFINEMENT project financed by the European Union, and for the e-MentH project on the use of the Internet for mental health information and support seeking among university students from 4 European universities. I joined the Bordeaux Population Health Research Center U1219 INSERM – University of Bordeaux as a post-doctoral fellow in 2014.

My current research projects are in the area of Health Communication. I am particularly interested in mental health literacy of young people. I am the responsible of the Health Communication course of the Master of Health Promotion at the University of Bordeaux. I am in charge of the pedagogical activities of the Digital Public Health Graduate Program of the University of Bordeaux.

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